I purchased MS Office for Mac 2011 for 3 users a few months ago. Along the way, not much changed with the macOS zip archive tool.
Then, hard disk drives gained more storage and prices dropped dramatically.

Mac OS X came along at the turn of the century and brought with it a Unix-like zip utility to compress and wrap files and folders into what are called archives. Not that long ago disk drives were so small and expensive that we Mac users would stuff files into compressed archives on floppy disks to save space. Time flies when you’re having fun, right? Or, as Kermit the Frog put it, “ Time’s fun when you’re having flies.” Either way, time marches on. This application does a decent job when it comes to working with ZIP files on Mac – nobody really wonders how to open ZIP files on Mac. The Mac OS X comes with a number of preinstalled applications, including Archive Utility. Most of the previously-mentioned archive creation. For ZIP files, you can count on the Mac OS X Finder to handle those for you no problem. Zip Archive Spanning For Mac Rating: 9,7/10 7418 reviews